A bad day at school

 I don't know why I did it. She and I aren't friends and certainly not at good terms. Still, I did it. I don't know what I was trying to achieve. It just sort of happened. 

She was standing behind me, not moving, not uttering a word. She was neither crying nor yelling as I guess someone in her situation might. It was like she's frozen, her face a mix of confusion, shock and hurt. 

"Move", the big burly boy said. "You don't want me to do it for you". His two chums chuckled.

Ah, Triston. The school bully. Headmaster's son. He just loves to show you your place. His two chums, Adam and Otis, are always snickering at his jokes. Even when they aren't funny. Mostly they aren't. But being the Headmaster's son's friends- I think they think it's some kind of flex or something- they always follow him around like dogs.

"Didn't you hear, dork?" It was Adam. "You don't want us to have to move you." He said and snickered. 

"Back off, Jerks", I said. "I'm not moving." I guess I took Captain America's father? Grandfather? too seriously (No, you move.) I stared at Triston. He stared back, a cocky smile on his lips. Of course, he would find it amusing! A boy who barely reached his shoulders trying to stop big bad Triston. I would have too from TPP.

"Are you sure?" He sounded amused. "We are three. It's gonna hurt pretty bad."

The whole classroom was silent. No one dared do anything. No one came to help me or just to break up the fight. They remained glued to their seats, no doubt anticipating the moment a fight would break out and I'd become a pulp.

"I'll take my chances." I said. They laughed. 

"Hit him", Otis said between laughs. "Yeah, hit him, Triston", Adam voted.

Triston smiled and took a step towards me, his fist raised. 

I remembered. I remembered what had happened. I remembered their laughs. I remembered her struggling to get away from them. I remembered them groping her private parts while the whole class chattered among themselves. Did they not notice? I don't know. Some of them must have as I did, and I was in the back row. It's not easy to not notice a pleading girl struggling desperately. Nevertheless, they did nothing. I remembered and I blacked out.

When I came to my senses again, everything looked huge. Then I realized I was lying on the floor.

"Oh, wow! I got my ass kicked", I thought bitterly. But my ass was fine.

I stood up groggily, realized I had a swollen lip, a bloody nose and my chest hurt. The classroom was still silent. More now, if that was possible. She was still standing there as before but as I focused on her, she seemed to come out of a trance. I looked around and saw Triston, Adam and Otis sprawled on the floor. Did I just win a fight?

I'm sure you must be thinking "wow! You fought off the assaulters! You're awesome!"

No! Just no! I'm not awesome. I don't do this on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have done this today too, if I was in my right mind. I don't want to get beaten just so people would think me a hero. Call me a coward if you want, but I prefer my lips normal, nose clear and my chest not to hurt. So, she was sexually assaulted and defending her sounds like the right thing to do-hell, I'm sure it is the right thing to do- the thing society would expect of you, but fuck society. Don't expect these kinda things from me. Wasn't the classroom part of the society too? They did nothing. I'm sorry but it's just the way I am. You must be wondering why I did it then? While I would say this was the right thing to do, if you ever asked me, but the truth is I don't fucking know. I'm asking myself the same. I wasn't in my right mind. 

Door opened and the Headmaster and a teacher entered the classroom. The bullies got up. By the looks of them, I guess I hit them pretty hard. I felt good. Headmaster surveyed the scene. His eyes rested on me.

"What's going on here?" He asked in an icy cold voice full of authority. 

Before my brain could take over and apologize for hitting the headmaster's son, I said,"your son assaulted her. I put him in his place." I mentally smacked myself. 

"To my office. All five of you."

Inside the Headmaster's office, I related what had happened. The girl just nodded. Will she fucking speak? There were times when she would speak non-stop and now she wasn't even speaking up for herself. 

Headmaster slapped his son when he tried to 'explain' himself. They got suspended. I got detention. The girl got four apologies, like that was enough. The classroom got a scolding from the headmaster. 

Outside the girl asked to speak with me. Great. She found her voice. She said "thank you for standing up for me. Sorry you got hurt but thank you. I'll remember that." All formal like. She seemed happy and relieved. Her eyes were no longer blank. Instead they looked hopeful. It felt good.

If you ask me if I would ever do this again, I'll say no. Not if I am in my right mind. But seeing her like that at the end made me happy from inside. It felt good. Maybe if my brain shuts off like that again someday, I'll get a bloody nose again or I might get a black eye or a few broken teeths or cracked ribs. 
